*Update: The positions have been filled. Thank you for all the shares!
I am a VIU instructor/researcher, and have grant funding to hire student research assistants for a project titled Sit down and shut Up: the silencing of women in Canadian post-secondary. This qualitative research project looks at discursive inequities faced by women in higher education settings that result in women feeling silenced in their workplace. It also looks at the impacts of this silencing and the strategies women use to navigate these experiences. For more information on the research please see this blogpost.
There are 6 positions available and students are encouraged to apply for more than one position. Students hired to engage in transcription or data analysis will be required to take the Tri-Council CORE training (self-directed; four hours; paid) and sign confidentiality agreements.
Positions Available
Research and Writing (2 positions available; $20/hour; 20 hours)
With some supervision (initial consultation and ongoing draft review), students will work independently to research a variety of topics related to gender (in)equity in higher education including gender-based workplace aggression, discursive inequity, power dynamics and gender, and women’s mental health and well-being. Students will synthesize their findings in a literature review.
Demonstrated skills: research and writing skills; interpersonal communication skills; independence
Transcription (2 positions; $20/hour; 35 hours)
With some supervision, students will work independently to review audio-recorded interviews and use them to review and edit generated transcripts.
Demonstrated Skills: attention to detail; independence; grammatical acumen; ability to meet deadlines; commitment to confidentiality
Data Analysis (2 positions; $20/hour; 40 hours) [February, 2024 start]
With much supervision, students will work collaboratively with other students and the Principal Investigator to review qualitative data and engage in a coding process to uncover themes emerging from the data.
Demonstrated skills: analytical thinking, collaboration and teamwork, commitment to confidentiality
If interested, please reach out to Kathleen.bortolin@viu.ca with a brief description of yourself, the position(s) you are interested in, and the names of two faculty references who can comment on your demonstrated skills.