As part of our ongoing support of the Young Africa Works Kenya TVET initiatives, we are pleased to offer a 4-part virtual training opportunity addressing a variety of CBET topics. In an effort to compliment previous and ongoing CBET training, these sessions will cover assessment, engaging teaching strategies, inclusive teaching practice and working with industry partners. Participants who attend all sessions, and submit a reflection of their key learnings in the training, will receive a certificate of participation.

Broad Objectives for this Virtual Training Program
We are winding down our TVET partnerships and considering ways to add final valuable content to CBET trainers, as well as review what we’ve accomplished and learned so far
This training program provides one last virtual chance to reach a large number of trainers to discuss CBET training, and inspire best practices
This training attempts to compliment previous training while at the same time introduce some new, timely, yet relevant topics (like Universal Design for Learning)
This program is a chance to introduce and discuss Universal Design for Learning (UDL); assessment; technology-enhanced learning; working with industry partners; applied research; and inquiry-based learning
Since mentee and mentor institutions are included in this virtual setting, this training provides an opportunity to connect with colleagues (as much as possible in a zoom setting) and continue to build some connections and community across the partnership
| Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4
TVET 18 | Universal Design for Learning & Inclusivity in the CBET Classroom
| Best Practices in Assessment & e-Portfolios | Inquiry in the classroom: The first step to applied research as pedagogy | Incorporating industry and industry partners into the CBET experience |
TVET 20 | CBET Check-in and Overview & Engaging Learners with student-centered techniques | Universal Design for Learning & Inclusivity in the CBET Classroom
| Best Practices in Assessment & e-Portfolios | Inquiry in the classroom: The first step to applied research as pedagogy & Incorporating industry and industry partners into the CBET experience |
The following files and links are from our online training session (February 20-23, 2024)
TVET 20 Day 1 Slides CBET Review, Check in and Engaging Learners from the Bottom-up:
TVET 18 Day 1 Slides (Universal Design for Learning and Inclusivity in the Classroom):
TVET 20 Day 2 Slides (Universal Design for Learning and Inclusivity in the Classroom)
TVET 18 Day 2 Slides (Assessment Best Practices and PADLET/ePortfolios)
Links to Rubric Resources
RUBRIC for Certificate of Completion